
Monday, December 17, 2012

The Future of Autostereoscopic/Auto-Multiscopic Technology.

Autostereoscopic 3D is the technology that lets you see 3D content on a TV without having to wear any glasses. The technology that does this is achieved by placing a lenticular overlay over an LCD/LED HDTV.

Here's some pictures of the Windows login screen on a 42" Toshiba LCD with a  lenticular screen over it.

 CU of a 42" Lenticular Autostereoscopic Monitor42" Autostereoscopic MonitorCU of a 42" Lenticular Autostereoscopic Monitor

To achieve the best resolution on lenticular autostereoscopic displays, the monitors are 1080p. The lenticular overlay cuts the resolution in half since it sends a different picture to each of your two eyes, so the 3D image you are viewing is 960x540.

So now what now... 4K!

4K monitors have just hit the U.S. market *(Dec. 2012). LG 84LM9600 and Sony XBR-84X900 both have 84" 4K monitors, and 2013 will undoubtedly see more 4K monitors hit the market. 

Sony XBR-84X900 4K Ultra HD TVSony XBR-84X900 4K Ultra HD TV (side view)
4K monitors have a resolution of 3840x2160, so if a lenticular screen was used as an overlay for auto-stereoscopic content, you would be viewing the 3D images at 1080p. At this resolution the 3D would look incredible. No doubt, 4K is the future of autosteroscopic monitor technology.

Sony XBR-84X900 4K Ultra HD TV
GSEAV rents 4K Ultra-HD monitors.
B4DM creates autostereoscopic content

* The terms autostereoscopic and automultiscopic are interchangeable.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Close-Up of a Lenticular, Autostereoscopic Screen

Close-Up pics of a lenticular, autostereoscopic overlay.

This Blog's Author: Ben is owner of B4DM Inc. and is the current Production Manager for GSE AudioVisual.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Glasses-Free 3D TV at MIT

Glasses-free 3D Technology from M.I.T.
Researchers at the Massachusettes Institue of Technology are working on a novel way to show glasses-free 3D. This technology does not use lenticular or parallax overlays.

Read More Here:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Nintendo 3DS XL

Nintendo's new auto-stereoscopic handheld gaming system, the 3DS XL, is scheduled for release on August 19th, 2012.

Check out Engadget's review here.