
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Walter Funk - A Digital 3D StoryTeller

Walter Funk uses no-glasses 3D display systems alongside music to create a digital storytelling experience. Out of San Francisco, Walter Funk describes the 3D setup:


  1. Hello and kudos for such a nice blog.
    Would you be able to share the contents of the recently deceased wowvx blog you mentioned you archived? Be great if we can see some of the content there. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for the compliment! I downloaded the blog before it went down, however, since the files I downloaded are missing their related CSS files, most of it isn't too visually appealing. That being said, here's the zip of the Phillips Autostereoscopic (WOWVX) blog:
    *All the posts are in there, but it will take a bit of time to find them in this jumbled archive. Hope this helps! Also, as a trained and experienced autostereoscopic media creator, don't hesitate to throw me a line every once in a while - I love talking about the industry and helping out in any way possible.
