
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

3D Technology Means New Rules for Directors.


[by BH]
[LAST UPDATE: 06-23-2009]

When you visualize a scene for a traditional 2D Video, you can use storyboards(*1) and apply unlimited creative use of cameras, lighting, framing the shot and more.

When you visualize a scene for a 3D movie, the enitre process changes.

Their are 4 different types of 3D movies - each of which is unique and must be handled differently in terms of creative visualization. Here are my personal classifications:

1. A 2D movie which is created from a 3D environment. This applies to CG animated movies such as Wall-E, Shrek or Finding Nemo. Many times, people will call these movies 3D, but in fact they are only 2D exports from 3d environments.

2. A 2D IMAX movie created from a 3D environment. These are very similar to #1, but when placing the scene's assets on the x,y,z plane, you have more spatial, peripheral freedom.

3. An autostereoscopic 3D movie. This type of 3D is characterized by having a limited amount of depth to work with during the creative process.

4. A stereoscopic 3D movie. You need 3D glasses for this kind. Anaglyph are the red-green glasses; polarized are tinted and are the kind you would find at Disney or Universal. You have almost unlimited use of depth in this type of 3D.

Here is an article that talks about the new rules for directors when it comes to 3d video production. This article inspired my article:

(*1) I created a template to help in the storyboard/visualization process of autostereoscopic videos. download .gif here

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